Crazy Nights...
Friday, May 5, 2006
This one night, early into my senior year of college, I woke up in the middle of the night, wondering who was in my bed. I was very perplexed and in a daze. I tried to recall the nights events, which for that night, only included me studying and watching tv. I was at a stump of who it could be, and alittle scared. I tried moving my feet to see if I could get any movement. I didn’t want to say anything, especially since I didn’t know who it was…I didn’t want to be that guy. I really had no clue what was going on, but I decided the best thing to do was just try and fall back asleep. It took awhile, but finally, I went back to bed. I woke up a few more times during the night, each time, my problem going unsolved.
Well, morning soon came and I was very eager to see who was in my bed. Well, my eagerness turned to disappointment when I realized that girl, atleast that is what I was hoping for, turned out to be a pile of clothes on my bed. I suppose the point of the story is that my senses aren’t always at their best during the middle of the night…that has carried over to Senegal as well.
Twice in the past week, I have woke up in the middle of the night during a dream and did some talking. Being on larium, having a mosquito net over you, dripping with sweat, and being on a bed that could swallow you, really makes these experiences interesting. Because I only remember one of the accounts, Ill try and describe it the best I can, but, its alittle hazy. For some reason, I thought that some friends from home where in my room and so I was talking to them out loud (I don’t think I woke anybody up) and then I started swatting at my mosquito net trying to get out of it because I thought the mouse was going crazy in my room. In reality, I suppose I was the only lunatic. Finally, after about 5 or 10 minutes of talking in my sleep to my friends, which is much cheaper than calls to the states, so I might try to do it more often, I realized that my friends weren’t there and I was in a pitch black room in Africa talking to myself. I am hoping that I can recreate that magical night in Georgia and just think a girl is in my bed because it is much better than knowing mice are starring down at me every breath I take.
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