Saturday, April 22, 2006

Mouse Problems

Friday, April 21, 2006

Last night, I didn’t get home until about 10:30, due to having dinner at my urban ag teacher’s house. He is an awesome teacher and definitely has me excited about the next two years in Senegal. It was a great dinner...chicken and salad on a try with our hands and bread as utensils. My family usually uses bread or spoons, so I was used to using bread to scoop the food, but I’ve only eaten with my hands a few times here, so it was kinda fun. It isn’t improper when you are done, to lick your hand clean.

When I got home, I had two surprises. First, there was a girl at my house who I think is my sister. I’m not quite sure, but I think that is what my mom said. She lives in Mauritania. Although, she left this morning, so I couldn’t get the full scoop on her. Second, apparently, I have a small mouse that also calls my room home. It isn’t very big. The second I opened my door, I saw something quickly run from the top of the window, down my mosquito net, and under the bed. I wasn’t quite sure what it was…until today. I have two visual confirmations that it is a mouse.

I’m not too fond of the idea that I have a mouse in my room. The ants that frequent the floor don’t bother me, cause I just squash them. The mouse on the other hand, is sneaky. By weekend’s end, I hope to outwit the mouse and sleep through the night in peace. Until then, I have made sure that my mosquito net is tightly tucked under the mattress so nothing than crawl into the bed with me.

Hope everyone is doing well…Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Do you remember the time we were at the mountain house and a mouse was running around through our suitcase? We have a picture... all of us were on the bed with a if that would have helped! Want me to send a mouse trap?
Love, MOM

Anonymous said...

Hmm...a mouse. Seems a little freaky. I probably wouldn't sleep very well knowing that there was a mouse travelling around my room. Then again, I probably wouldn't sleep very well with ants or any other insect invading my space. So, I keep trying to call you from my phone and our cellphones are not friends. Not sure what the deal is. Anyway, random mouse story but here in Spain they have "Ratoncito Pérez" intead of a tooth fairy. So a little mouse comes and takes their teeth and leaves them money. Maybe the mouse will bring you wealth :) Haha. I hope you are doing well. Miss U Much.
